

地标学院的目标 健康、咨询和保健工作人员 是为了支持和提高地标学院社区的健康和福祉. 我们为学生提供高质量的护理, 以及为学院社区提供培训和咨询. Our Health Services and 咨询服务 departments work closely together to create a welcoming environment for students in which they can feel safe to ask difficult questions and explore new avenues of success.

健康和咨询服务是免费的,所有学生就读的地标学院校园. 接种疫苗可能要收费, 处方, 流感疫苗, 或者像膝盖这样的硬物, 手腕, 或者脚踝固定器或夹板. 这些费用将记入学费账户.

All new and returning students who will be living on campus will be automatically billed for and enrolled in the 学生健康保险计划 通过加拉格保险公司, 除非他们有其他, comparable coverage AND complete the Online Decision Form to decline the insurance AND submit their health insurance information to Gallagher Insurance. 仅在线学习的学生不受此要求的限制. 

Health Services and 咨询服务 are located on the 2nd floor of the Strauch Family Student Center.

9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

点击此链接获取有关的信息 下班后发生紧急情况时该怎么办

9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

必须预约保健服务,以减少潜在的疾病接触. 要预约健康服务或咨询服务,请在上午8点到下午8点之间联系辛迪·布朗.m. 和4p.m. at 802-387-1636. 您可以通过电子邮件预约健康服务 (电子邮件保护).

下载我们的医学和心理健康护理过渡到地标大学指南. This is a printable PDF document with steps to help you seamlessly transition your health care needs.

关于保健服务的常见问题 & 咨询服务

  • 的 mission of the Landmark College Health Services is to maintain the optimal physical and emotional health of the student body and by so doing, 为学生的学业和社会成功做出贡献. We do this by providing quality clinical care and health education that promotes healthy behaviors and lifestyle choices.

    Landmark College Health Services provides a wide range of medical care similar to your regular healthcare at home. 我们治疗各种疾病和伤害. 我们提供对糖尿病和高血压等慢性健康状况的监测. 我们提供性保健, 妇女的健康, 变性人照顾, 支持戒烟, 体重管理, 营养, 还有睡眠问题. 我们也会把病人转介给地区专家以及其他资源,比如物理治疗师, 按摩师或牙医. 我们每年秋季学期提供流感门诊. 现场抽血,并将实验室样本送到当地实验室. Health Services clinicians collaborate routinely with Counseling staff with a student’s signed permission at enrollment.

    许多学生每天都在服药. Some of them require monthly refills because they are controlled substances such as stimulants or anxiety medications. Students can maintain their relationships with prescribers near their family home or they can connect with the part-time, 咨询精神科医生或全职执业护士. Health Services staff can collaborate and organize with student’s existing providers to manage ongoing care, 安排药房服务或获取实验室标本. 因为许多学生的提供者不在州内, Health Services can assist with 处方 that are time-sensitive or require an in-state provider to prescribe them.

    学生将于周一至周五上午9点接受预约.m. – 4 p.m. 要预约,请致电(802)387-1636给Cindy Brown打电话. 周末、节假日及下午4点以后,卫生服务中心不办公.m. 星期一至星期五.

  • Landmark College Health and 咨询服务 maintain a strict policy of confidentiality in an effort to protect a student’s privacy. 这包括所有健康和咨询人员,全职,兼职和学生雇员. 健康服务和咨询记录是分开保存的. 所有的医疗记录都是保密的,并与学习记录分开保存. Health and 咨询服务’ privacy policies are based on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). 健康和咨询服务的临床医生在你的允许下进行常规合作. 没有学生的书面授权,任何信息都不会泄露. 这包括家长(除非学生未满18岁). 但是,在某些情况下,可以放弃保密:

    当有对自己或他人造成迫在眉睫伤害的危险时, 卫生服务人员有法律和道德责任采取一切必要措施保护生命.

    A clinician may share pertinent information with other health and counseling staff members or with consulting physicians or Emergency Room staff for the purpose of providing the best possible care to students.

    A court ordered subpoena could require Health service to release information contained in records or require health service staff to testify in court.

  • 的 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) governs how medical records are handled. 只有卫生服务人员可以访问您的医疗记录在校园. 没有其他地标学院的教员, staff or administrators may access your medical records unless you make a signed release of that information. Health Services staff members maintain the confidentiality of your medical record and your care from other Landmark College staff and faculty unless you expressly consent, 以书面形式, 共享受保护的运行状况信息.

    Students can request a copy of their medical record for themselves or another clinician by signing a release of Information form in Health Services.

  • Landmark College is no longer able to secure a pharmacy partner to deliver student medications to campus. 因此学生, 还有他们的父母, 需要有非常具体的计划,在他们居住期间获得处方药.

    It is very important to tend to this detail within the next few weeks before the 1项 and Spring Term. 的 医学和精神卫生保健向地标性的转变 将有助于指导学生和他们的家庭考虑如何管理健康,而在校园里. 

    对于没有交通工具的学生来说,邮购药房送货是最简单的方法, 也是地标学院接受药物治疗的首选方法. Call the customer service or pharmacy service number on the back of your insurance card to inquire which services they may allow. Most mail-order plans merely require set up of an online account and uploading of your insurance and payment information. 的 prescriber then sends 处方 directly to the pharmacy portal and their medications are delivered directly to the student on campus. 这包括兴奋剂和管制药物. 学生必须根据自己在校的时间,注意账户上的“送货地址”.

    普特尼没有药房, 但也有许多当地药店学生和他们的处方医生可以利用. 有车的学生可以在离学校10-20分钟的时间内开车去取药. One can set up an account with any of the pharmacies providing them with your insurance and credit card information for copayments. 卫生服务部门不会开设账户或为取药提供便利. 卫生服务部门可以帮助你选择药剂. 计划很快就.

    如果你不能利用邮购处方服务, 你可向下列药房申请协助配药:

    Landmark College的首选合作伙伴:



    基恩,NH -3431

    (603) 357-2840




    为什么Landmark会选择它? 因为这家CVS是24小时营业的, it's much easier to find a time (and a ride) to pickup the prescription without skipping valuable class time.





    (802) 257-5592




    药剂师下午1:30 - 2点休息




    (802) 254-5633




    太阳:11 am-4pm

    药剂师下午1:30 - 2点休息



    Hinsdale, NH 03451

    (603) 336-5538



    坐——9 am-7pm


  • 有时与朋友或家人交谈是不够的. Our counselors are trained mental health professionals with years of experience serving college students with learning differences and mental health concerns. 我们在个人、专业和法律上承诺保护您的隐私权.

    当你感到压力、不安、困惑或好奇时,你可能会来咨询. We offer you the opportunity to explore whatever is on your mind in a confidential setting so you can take full advantage of your time here at Landmark College.

    在最初的几次会议中,你可以分享你的担忧, 提供相关历史, 为自己设定一些咨询目标. Each counseling experience is unique and depends on your readiness and ability to commit yourself to the goals you set for yourself. 这个过程将帮助你学习新的方法来管理情绪和情况, 并获得对自己和他人的理解.

    在某些情况下, a counselor might recommend that you participate in one of our groups or seek more intensive care with an off-campus provider.

    Landmark College的心理咨询服务为超过30%的学生提供服务. We are committed to helping you cultivate the willingness and resilience needed to pursue both your academic and personal goals.

  • 首先,优先安排咨询预约. 专注于对你最重要的事情, 表达你的想法和感受, 在咨询关系中要开诚布公, and be patient with yourself; change takes time.

  • Landmark College的咨询服务是免费的! 预约时间一般为每周45分钟.



    如果你在校园里,并连接到地标学院的网络, 您也可以使用以下网址注册: http://titanium.具有里程碑意义The.edu/tiweb/WCMenu.aspx. 一旦您提交了表单, 辅导员将在三个工作日内通过您的Landmark College电子邮件帐户与您联系.
